Meals: Do you have one paycheck a month that is squeaky tight? Or all of them? The one that especially gets us is around the end of the month, when our mortgage comes out. The payment isn’t bad, but when you add in daycare for two kids, gas and groceries, there’s not much left over,…
The Someday Garden Part 2: Baby Steps and Micro Gardening
Ah, baby steps. Do you remember them from the movie “What About Bob”? Bill Murray plays Bob, a dependent mental health patient who stalks his egotistical psychiatrist (Richard Dreyfuss) down on vacation because he couldn’t get through even a couple of days without him. The psychiatrist had written a new book about “baby steps” that…
Watermelon Vodka Coolers
Some days just blow all of your best laid plans out of the water. Like when you come home to find out your hyper, bored, unemployed husband has eaten half the fridge and thrown the other half away. And “fixed” the printer so it doesn’t work any more. And shrunk half your clothes in the…
Homemade Breakfast Pizza
At my last job, we had a “Breakfast Club” where everyone would take turns bringing in breakfast on Fridays. This was fun, because everyone had different favorites and brought in whatever they liked. Some did homemade meals, others brought in bagels from Panera or Krispy Kreme doughnuts or even Bob Evans fare. It was something…
Meals & Deals: Week of 6/21/2015
Here are the meals I’ve got planned, along with my shopping trip. It’s a less ambitious plan than my last one. I made a lot of the recipes last week, but there were a few that I forgot about. I’ll save them for later, since they’d been rescheduled a couple of times. If they don’t…
Gluten Free Pizza- Try #1
Here is my first attempt at gluten free pizza. I used my regular pizza recipe here, and simply substituted “Live G Free” flour from Aldi. which was on clearance for $1.99 a box. One 1.5 lb box makes two pizzas.
Cheap Thrills @ Goodwill Part 2
Houston, we have a problem…. After finding my great deals yesterday, I had to sleep with the fact that there was an amazing array of Fiesta-ware still sitting on the shelf in Goodwill, calling out to me. “Kim, buy us! Take us home!” So I found myself back today. Somehow my car drove there all by…
Cheap Thrills @ Goodwill
I confess. I’m a thrift store junkie. Goodwill has kind of become my Walmart. I can often find things made better and for far cheaper than the Chinese junk Walmart is peddling these days. As a working mom, I don’t always have time to stop for yard sales, especially on the weekends with small kids…
Easy Enchiladas with Homemade Red Chili Sauce
I love Mexican food. I blame Dad. He grew up on the border of Arizona and Mexico, and ate a lot of real, authentic Mexican food. So of course, that’s what he wanted when he ended up on the East Coast with Mom and us kids. We often went out to the best Mexican restaurants…
Mom’s Awesome Curry Chicken
I admit it. I am SO spoiled. I have an incredible, talented, creative mother who not only loves to write, paint, draw and tell amazing stories, but she also loves to cook. Her passion for food would probably brand her a “foodie” these days. And boy, did we kids get all the advantages of that!…