I finally got a chance to hit the grocery store today and stock up on a few things. Money has been tight lately as life continues to be crazy. Thank God we’re frugal! Last week we had a whopping $35 for groceries and we ate mostly from the pantry, fridge and freezer. This week we’re playing catch up. I wanted to spend $100, but ended up spending $157 on 69 items and caught some very good deals at Kroger and Aldi. This trip included plenty of meat, dairy, fruits and veggies. I was able to sneak in some on sale potato chips (a luxury here!) and crackers for the little guys. I also got some ramen and sugar free flavored water for the teenager, since he likes to snack on it and it’s summer time, so he’ll be eating anything that’s not nailed down.

We really don’t eat much junk food at all. I don’t buy soda either. We usually snack on popcorn, fruits, veggies and homemade dips. We drink homemade tea, coffee, smoothies, watered down juices (mostly little guys) and homemade flavored waters. We try to eat as healthy as we can on a tight budget. So we buy a lot of basics and cook simply and often by season. We love getting organic (and growing organic) as much as possible. I also try to eat gluten free as much as I can. I’ll be making up a meal plan and posting it soon to show you how I use everything in our daily menus around here.

I also saved .25/gallon at Thorton’s this week with my Refreshing Rewards card. I had forgotten about those deals and stopped in to get a giant .99 coffee, which I rarely drink any more. But today was just one of those mornings. It was great to fill up for $2.27/gallon!
[…] week, I posted my shopping trips to Kroger and Aldi, and promised to show you how I fit these things into my meal planning. I work full time and try to […]