I’m getting back to blogging, finally. I must be crazy to try to fit more things into my life, but just can’t help myself! I love to do things and write and share. Just built this way I guess.
A lot has happened in the past 3 1/2 years since I last posted. I moved 40 miles away to a hundred year old farmhouse, then found out I was having another baby. At the age of 43! I commuted 125 miles a day (round trip) for work while pregnant, had my fifth beautiful boy, spent three months on unpaid maternity leave, then commuted again for another 3 months until I was able to change jobs to a closer location. The stress of all of this aged me immensely. I look back and I am not sure how I did it. I was even breastfeeding at the time. Just crazy. I’ve been blessed with a very full life!
During this wild time of my life, a tornado destroyed the town of Washington, IL, and blew out all the windows at my kids’ daycare. Thank GOD it was on a Sunday. Everything was embedded with glass, particularly the infant room! It also completely destroyed the apartment complex I lived in after my divorce back in 2007. My older kids used to ask me what we’d do if a tornado hit, since we were on the third floor. I’m glad we didn’t have to find out, and also glad no one in that complex lost their lives when the tornado literally took the top two floors off. It also went between two churches full of people worshipping. What a day. Sadly, one person died, half the town was leveled, but the community was amazing and rebuilt.
And life eventually got easier here. Not only did I change jobs; I also changed industries. This has actually been a really good thing. It’s meant a lot less stress and more chances to be creative. Sometimes normal, boring and stable can really be wonderful things!
Most of my days now are spent working or chasing after a toddler, a preschooler and a teenager. And 20+ chickens and 3 cats. We’re having fun with permaculture on our five acre spread. It’s provides the perfect counterbalance to sitting at a desk all day looking at computer screens. It’s fun to get our hands in the dirt, watch things grow, and take lots of pictures. But there’s something missing- the need to share with the world what we’re doing!
And there are ideas. So many ideas. For saving money, for creating things, for having fun and just sharing with others. All this stuff has to go somewhere, right??? (It just gets lost on Facebook!) So hello to friends old and new. If you stumble across this place, feel free to stop in and say hi.
I’m not sure I can get my old frugal moms domain name back. Apparently it’s for sale for $3500!

Not very frugal. That’s ok. A fresh start with a new name may be a very good thing indeed. For now, I’ve thrown frugalmoms2.com up there. It’s Frugal Moms, part 2 for now! The price was much more attractive at $9.99! That “2” saved me a lot of money. We can put the extra (imaginary) $3,516.01 on something else! Because that’s what it’s all about, baby! Living better for less!
Here’s a glance at some of what’s kept me busy these days:

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