Meals & Deals: Low Spend Week!
I was originally going to make this week a “no spend week” but my best plans got waylaid by tooth problems, allergies and a sinus infection that knocked me down for days. In addition to this, teen foodie started school and needs a ride, and my husband has been helping a friend out when he isn’t out looking for work and can’t pick up the kids like he normally does. So my driving jumped from 70 miles a day to over 100!
Suddenly, all great plans went out the window, including half of the recipes I planned on making last week. And that’s what meal plans are- just plans. Most of the time I can follow them pretty well, but last week was a dismal failure. I was in too much pain and too tired to even think about food! This week, I cooked up a storm to get ahead, so no one starves during my down time. Or burns down the house. Both are possibilities here!

But haven’t had time to actually sit down and finish this post till now. Today I had oral surgery to resolve some abscessed tooth problems I’ve been dealing with for five years. Pregnancies in your forties can be really hard on your body. So can stress and long commutes. I’ve had all three and much more over the past few years. Everything went ok today, but I knew I would probably not feel like doing much afterwards. Or eating much. There are lots of smoothies in the near future for me, which I really don’t mind. And soups, and maybe some salads. All of which I could use, really. I got on the scale the other day and it was a scary experience. How does weight creep back on that fast???
Anyhow, this week I mostly went with my tried and true recipes. I decided to do a “low” spend week and cook things we like, that we have on hand, and some of our easy favorites for school nights. So some of the same recipes from last week are on here since they didn’t get made and I have “the stuff” for them. Leftover night will be operation day for me. And pizza night be the night before. Little Foodie’s first birthday is in just two days and he wants a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Cake. I don’t really want to order one, because most bakery cakes taste horrible. I’m really not sure what I’ll do yet. It’s just pure insanity, but somehow we’ll get through it all. Update: Now it’s a Spiderman cake. Wal-mart may be making this one. I just don’t think I have it in me right now.
New Recipes:
Homemade yogurt
Ground Turkey Gyros with Homemade Tzatziki Sauce (they turned out great!)
Dirty Rice
Homemade Pesto
Cherry Tomato Tart
Everything Else:
Asian Cucumber Noodles
Apple Noodle Parfaits
Kim’s Easy Homemade Pizza
Banana Cream Pie Smoothie
Pistachio Dream Smoothie
Brownie Batter Smoothie
Deals: $39.40
I did go to the store for a few things, so we don’t have riots breaking out while I’m down and out on pain meds (and yes, a few luxuries snuck in there!) This is my last shopping trip of the month, bringing my monthly grocery total to $436.98. Not too bad!

Update: I had to make one last trip because people didn’t mention we were out of stuff like ketchup, peanut butter, and bread. They forget there’s this pad on the fridge they can write things on. So that was another $38. And I can’t find the receipt. It’s just one of those weeks! That brings the monthly total up to $478.98.
1 lb pkg honey ham slices 3.29
1 pkg American cheese slices 1.79
1.78 lbs of bananas @ .38/lb
1 12-pk box of ramen 1.94 (teenager)
1 lb shredded cheddar 2.99
1 bag flatleaf spinach 1.79
1 lb organic quinoa 4.49
1 box generic Cheerios 1.69
1 box graham crackers 1.35
1 bottle organic apple juice 2.49
1 bottle cranberry pomegranate juice 1.89
2 cans diced tomatoes @ .55 ea
1 can black beans .59
1 jar chocolate hazelnut spread 1.99
4 avocados @ .59 ea
3 lbs zucchini @ .69/lb
1 pkg chocolate covered blueberries 3.99
1 bag cracker crisps 1.39
Sorry to hear of your dental woes. I will tell you pounds creep back (or on) when you don’t get enough sleep. When one is young, 20s, even 30s, a quick cut back on calories gets the scale marker back down. Whole new ball game once you get into your 40s and 50s. But I know what is is like having a full time job (IT can be rough) and kids – the hours after the kids (and spouse) are in bed are when you can get things done . Or at least have a bit of time for yourself.
Since littlest foodie’s bday is late August, be thinking how you’ll handle the birthday treats once he starts school. One of my kids has a late August bday (read: just made the cut to start school).